July 2024



Feel free to follow the latest Far West developments:

Saddle Up

Saddle Up

By T.S. Luikart A small black blizzard blew in from the east, and worse news came with it, riding along the outskirts of the dust: Razor-Grin Ranisae Mosrear had broken out of an Imperial lockup, killing several squads of soldiers during his escape. Sheriff Buridwane set about to organize a posse, as the odds were short that Razor-Grin had forgotten the town that brought him low. Most folk were hesitant to enlist at first and rightfully so, till sooner or

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Down The Road…

Down The Road…

As previously mentioned on the main page, Far West is not limited to the content of this site and the forthcoming tabletop role-playing game. We have a number of other projects in development, all of which will expand and explore the world of Far West. So, we figured we’d turn it over to you. The tabletop role-playing game is the next project out of the gate (we’ll be launching the Kickstarter for the limited-edition release in early July) — but

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Purity of Purpose

Purity of Purpose

By Gareth-Michael Skarka The old Master leaned heavily on his staff as he surveyed the group of students seated before him on the hard clay of the courtyard. A dozen or so, each of whom had braved the hard climb through some of the roughest terrain in the Eagle’s Claws to reach the remote hermitage. Getting here was test enough, yet today, as with every day since their arrival, the old Master continued to test them. “Answer me this: What

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The Empire and the Secession Wars

The Empire and the Secession Wars

We’ve gotten various comments (In email and on forum discussions) which indicate that there is still a bit of confusion regarding the setting of Far West. Some folks are still operating under the assumption that what we’re doing here is a historical fantasy, where the Wild West features more of a wuxia influence. This is not so. The world of Far West is a fantasy world — one that has no relation to our own. This isn’t historical fantasy, it’s

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Inspirography: The Warrior’s Way

Inspirography: The Warrior’s Way

This inspirography installment features another nearly-perfect Far West film, The Warrior’s Way, which was released in theatres late last year. The hardest part about inspiration for Far West is the combination of elements — we’ve drawn inspiration from spaghetti westerns (and it’s easy to find examples of that genre which are inspiring), and martial arts films (also easy to find individual stand-outs of this genre). It’s a rare film that combines the two — and even rarer still when it

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Journey to the West

Journey to the West

by Gareth-Michael Skarka. With a piercing howl, the locomotive belched smoke and steam that trailed out behind the train, swirling and flowing like a great mane around the head of the cast iron temple lion that formed the entire front of the engine. The trains of the Western Periphery & Frontier Rail were not the newest machines, nor in the best condition. The flags fluttering from the engine’s wheelhouse were tattered by the wind and faded from perhaps too many

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Inspirography:   The Good, The Bad, The Weird

Inspirography: The Good, The Bad, The Weird

One of the regular features here at the Far West will be a look at some of the ingredients that have gone into our western/wuxia/steampunk melange. We’ll recommend books, films, comics and more — all part of what we call the “Inspirography” of Far West. For our first recommendation, we’re taking a look at a film that came out after development of Far West had already begun, but which dovetailed perfectly with the project. The Good, The Bad, The Weird

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The Odyssey System: The Rules of FAR WEST

The Odyssey System: The Rules of FAR WEST

As stated on the front page, the Second Movement of Far West will be a tabletop roleplaying game. Development on this game began in 2007, initially using the FATE System. After a playtest, though, we felt that it wasn’t a perfect fit for FAR WEST. Although there were certainly some elements of it that we felt worked really well, overall the system was too abstract for what we were trying to convey, and so development continued. An original system was

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By Any Other Name

By Any Other Name

by T.S. Luikart Lilhaydra the Hare lost her name while playing at throw bones in a betting den called the House Resounding. Whether it was destiny, chance, or the strange echoes of the Restless City throwing her aim off she cast the Void thrice and was thus undone. She gambled away her rights to the sobriquet she had long carried amidst the martial artists of the Dust Road, since her master had bequeathed it to her. So it was Lilhaydra

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Old Hands

Old Hands

by T.S. Luikart The bank reeked of smoke and fear with a hint of the iron tang of spilt blood as a chaser. Less than a minute into the heist and the plan had already gone to shit. The safe had some fancy new cog-lock courtesy of the Twin-Eagle boys that had shrugged off a bundle of dynamite with ease. The security guards who were meant to be old, fat, and cautious had proved to be recently swapped for young

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