February 2025



Feel free to follow the latest Far West developments:

Airships of the Far West

Airships of the Far West

With the vast distances that separate settlements in the Far West, the Chartered Houses of the Empire cannot lay rail fast enough to serve their needs – rail lines are easy enough to build in more civilized areas (The Empire proper, The Periphery, even the eastern portions of the Far West itself), but to lay rail across the untracked frontier requires far more than just material – it requires security, and more than that, it requires volume. Bluntly, most of

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Herd Beasts and Ranches of the Far West

Herd Beasts and Ranches of the Far West

It takes a certain mindset to leave the world you know behind. Folk that weren’t raised in the west often have a difficult time of it before they find their place beyond the Last Horizon – if they aren’t careful their “place” ends up being a pyre. A body that keeps an open mind can find a meaningful life in the Far West, though likely one far from anything an Easterner would regard as “civilized”. Large settlements being rare in

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The FAR WEST Kickstarter is galloping along. We passed the 10K mark, which means that all backers will be receiving an exclusive supplement, LEGENDS OF THE FAR WEST which won’t be appearing anywhere else. If you haven’t pledged as a backer yet, go right ahead and do so — anyone who signs on before the end of the Kickstarter on August 25 is eligible to receive all of the benefits, even the ones that appeared as specials before they pledged.

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Merit, Part Four:  Finale

Merit, Part Four: Finale

by T.S. Luikart Cleave Merit reflected that insofar as cages went, he had certainly been in far less comfortable ones in his time than his present iron-barred confines. His chains sure chafed though. His imperial jailors had seen fit to use some sort of new electrical gadget to weld his cuffs shut before bolting his restraints to a plate that had been formed from the undercarriage of the railroad car he was riding in. At least they had given him

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Fastest Gun In The FAR WEST

Fastest Gun In The FAR WEST

As we mentioned in our last update, we launched the Kickstarter crowd-funding project for the FAR WEST Limited Edition Adventure Game on Monday. We set our minimum goal at $5,000 US. We achieved that minimum goal within 15 hours of launch. I don’t think I’ve seen any RPG Kickstarter reach that level of funding so rapidly. FAR WEST is quick on the draw! As of the time of this writing, we’ve just passed $7,000. First of all, a hearty THANK

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We are very pleased to announce that our Kickstarter crowdfunding program — your opportunity to get a full-color Limited Edition hardcover version of the FAR WEST Adventure Game — has now gone live! The FAR WEST Adventure Game is a tabletop RPG featuring blazing sixguns, over-the-top kung fu action and far-out steampunk inventions, where you and your friends can create the adventures of warriors who wander the Dust Road — fighting for their clans, their cause, the oppressed, or their

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Merit, Part Three

Merit, Part Three

by T.S. Luikart Cleave Merit was in the saddle before dawn, riding hard southwest on his third horse in as many months; the first had broken a leg while he was travelling between the camps of the Mountain Folk in the Eagles’ Claws, the second had been shot out from under him. When he had first set out from the Three Moons outfit near half a year before to bring word of the imminent return of the Rebel General to

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Inspirography: FAR WEST Music

Inspirography: FAR WEST Music

For this Inspirography article, we decided to have a little fun. Music has been a big part of the Far West experience. I’ve assembled a playlist of hundreds of tracks — more than 15 hours of music — that I’ve used not only for background when playtesting the RPG, but also for accompaniment while writing. The playlist features soundtrack material from Spaghetti Westerns and Wuxia Films; Classic Rock tracks, Folk, Outlaw Country, Electronic, Chinese Pop songs, Hip-hop and more. Anything

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Merit, Part Two

Merit, Part Two

by T.S. Luikart You can read Part One of this story by clicking here. Ara Masber rose with the sun, mumbling snatches of a prayer to His Radiance as a thin sliver of His light stole into her tent. Her breath was visible in the cool morning air as she rummaged about for her boots. When she finally located them she knocked their soles together and shook them out to dislodge any unwelcome guests that might have taken up residence

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Development Update

Development Update

As we come to the end of the first month of Far West, the time has come for a development update, detailing our plans for the coming month. First of all, now that we’re up and running, this website will be moving from daily updates to a three-days-a-week schedule. The reason for this is simple: We’re kicking into high gear on development of actual Far West products for release (the role-playing game being the first), and need to devote more

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