January 2025



Feel free to follow the latest Far West developments:

A Glimpse of Combat

A Glimpse of Combat

Our preview of the rules of the Far West Adventure Game continues, this time with a look at the combat system. When you’re doing a game of furious kung fu and blazing sixguns, combat is a critical component of the system, and it was the one part of the rules where we felt it most important to bring across the “feel” of wuxia action. To talk about combat, though, we need to give you a brief rundown of the core

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A Glimpse of Character Creation

A Glimpse of Character Creation

Now that we’re in the final stretch, getting ready to the pull the trigger on sending the Far West Adventure Game to press, we’ll be posting more preview material about the game here on the website. Our first glimpse is an overview of Character Creation. Heroes in Far West are the protagonists of their own adventure series. Players create heroes following the guidelines in the rulebook, with the assistance and guidance of the Narrator. Heroes are defined by several components

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Art Preview

Art Preview

As we finish up the final arrangements to get the Limited Edition of the FAR WEST Adventure Game out to the printer, I realize that we’ve been terribly remiss about posting updates here on the site. We’ve been present on the official forums, but haven’t posted material to the actual site for far too long. That changes as of today — we’ll be making a concerted effort to feature more content here. To kick things off, I realized that we’d

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Far West Music

Far West Music

Adamant Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of our first album of music for FAR WEST, Once Upon a Time in The Far West. The five-track EP was composed and recorded by Lawrence, KS musician Sam Billen, and is available for sale at the Far West webstore, on Adamant Entertainment’s Bandcamp page, DriveThru, RPGNow and within the next couple of weeks will be available on Amazon, all iTunes Stores worldwide, MOG, Tesco, iMesh, Pasito|Tunes, eMusic, Zune, Rhapsody, Nokia, VerveLife

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TALES OF THE FAR WEST Preview: Excerpt by Scott Lynch

TALES OF THE FAR WEST Preview: Excerpt by Scott Lynch

The short story anthology Tales of the Far West is now available, in print and digital format from the official FAR WEST webstore, as well as Amazon.com (paperback and Kindle), Barnes & Noble (Nook), and other sites. Featuring a dozen tales from critically-acclaimed and award-winning authors from the fantasy, science-fiction, horror and adventure genres, Tales of the Far West kicks off Adamant Entertainment’s line of Far West fiction, which will include novels, further anthologies and more. Far West Kickstarter backers

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Forum and Far West Society Now Live!

Forum and Far West Society Now Live!

We’re pleased to announce that the official Far West Forum is now live! Head on over, register and take part in the palaver, using either the previous link, or the main menu button over there at left. The forum will be your central discussion site for all things FAR WEST — questions, comments, conversations and more. We just opened the place, so I expect that there will be some dust here and there, and things may change as we open

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Inspirography:  Netflix Streaming

Inspirography: Netflix Streaming

We’re hard at work on getting two FAR WEST products out the door — the short story anthology, TALES OF THE FAR WEST, which will be available before Christmas, and the Limited Edition version of the FAR WEST ADVENTURE GAME, which will be sent to Kickstarter backers in January. What to do while you wait, and you also have some free time due to the December holidays? Well, if you’ve got Netflix streaming, fire it up and have your very

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FAR WEST Cartography Notes

FAR WEST Cartography Notes

On November 14th 2011, after several months of preparation and hard work, the first Far West map was completed and approved. It was a long, arduous process, but the final results made it all worthwhile. My name is Andrew Law, and I have the honor of being the cartographer for Far West. If you want to know a little more about me, go check the Bios page. I can’t fully express my excitement at being involved with this project. For

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The Moons

The Moons

By T.S. Luikart One of the revelations of the Far West chat was that FAR WEST does not take place on our world, but rather an alternate world, massively huge and with two moons in the sky. Here’s a bit more about those moons, and the beliefs that surround them in the Far West. Night falls swiftly in the Far West, electrical lights are a rarity beyond the Last Horizon, though a few places do have them, to the absolute

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FAR WEST Chat Transcript

FAR WEST Chat Transcript

On Sunday October 30th, FAR WEST developers Gareth-Michael Skarka (GMSkarka on Twitter) and T.S. Luikart (TSLuikart on Twitter) did a live chat with backers and fans. What follows is the edited transcript of that evening’s event: QUESTION (@Lyfhskull): I’ve been wondering a while, will there be a ‘writer’s guideline’ for farwest contributions? ANSWER: (@GMSkarka) Well, @Lyfhskull, we’ll be rolling out the Far West Society in November, which will include methods for contribution. QUESTION (@GoldenElm): Should I presume the rules “srd”

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